If you are an individual provider exploring the possibility of insurance credentialing, there’s a good chance you’ve either recently decided to make the change from part-time to full-time clinical practice, or that you’ve recently set off to start your own practice. If this is the case, congratulations on making the transition!
Naturally, a transition of this sort means a financial investment of some sort on your part. This can feel daunting. We know that while you may be excited for this new chapter in your life, money might be tight. Fortunately, though, that doesn’t have to pose a problem when it comes to utilizing our credentialing services. Here’s why:
Note: If you are part of a much larger practice, or a seasoned clinician ready to make the transition from cash-pay to insurance-based clinical practice, congrats to you too! Whatever your situation, we’re thrilled that you’re interested in insurance credentialing.
It’s difficult to quote exact rates without taking at least a couple minutes to understand your situation. However, generally for around $200 per panel, our staff will be able to complete a lengthy credentialing process on your behalf, and get you on the insurance panel of your choosing.
Did you know that our staff possesses extensive education, training, experience, and knowledge in credentialing? They know just what to do to get the job done right. They want to save you all of the headaches and frustration that other providers refer to when talking about the medical credentialing process. All you have to do is allow them to take the wheel. After a quick call and discussion about your practice and the insurance companies you want to get credentialed with, they can get rolling.
Your investment begins to pay for itself almost immediately (actually, your investment completely pays for itself almost immediately). With most medical and behavioral health practices, just providing between 1-3 services to your first client on an insurance panel is enough to recoup your entire investment. On the other hand, every time you have to turn away a client because you cannot accept his or her insurance, you lose money and the possibility of that client recommending you to others.
We want to help your practice succeed! Call us today at 1-855-664-5154 for a no-pressure conversation about how we can help.
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