How Long Does Medical Credentialing Take?
How Long Does Medical Credentialing Take? How long does medical credentialing take? This is a good question, as the answer has recently changed. When done correctly, medical credentialing used to take about 90 days–much of that time being time spent in queue with insurance companies. However, more recently, insurance companies have been asking for at […]
Provider Credentialing: What to Do About Closed Panels? (Updated)
Provider Credentialing: What to Do About Closed Panels? (Updated) We can help you with appeals for provider credentialing to get on closed panels. It involves… reaching out to a specific contractor. reaching out to a representative for the county you are in. sending a letter that details all of your unique specialties and information about […]
Provider Credentialing: Which Insurance Companies Should I Get Credentialed With?
Provider Credentialing: Which Insurance Companies Should I Get Credentialed With? Most of the time, when people in private practice seek to get on insurance panels, they have a general idea of the panels they want to get credentialed with. Whether through research, or by having to turn down clients with a specific insurance, you know […]
4 Reasons Why Insurance Credentialing Is Important
4 Reasons Why Insurance Credentialing Is Important If you are in private practice, you’re a counselor, you’re working for a company, or you’re even a massage therapist, getting insurance credentialing is an important step to helping your practice succeed. If you try to defy this truth, you’ll quickly realize that doing so was a mistake. Imagine: a client walks into […]
Insurance Credentialing Question: Does Higher Education Guarantee More Money?
Insurance Credentialing Question: Does Higher Education Guarantee More Money? Insurance Credentialing Question: I have an LPC [Master’s level provider. Also see LCPC, LICSW, LMHC]. Will getting a Ph.D increase my reimbursement rates from insurance companies? Answer: Sometimes. To be reimbursed at a higher level, most insurance companies require that you not only have a Ph.D, but […]
Medical Credentialing Tip: Who You Take on as a Client is Up to You!
Medical Credentialing Tip: Who You Take on as a Client is Up to You! Question: I have noticed that health insurance companies require signed contracts. Does that mean that I must see certain clients when I would choose to refer them? How does this work? Answer: Being medically credentialed to accept reimbursement from insurance companies allows you […]
Physician Credentialing: Which Insurance Companies Are Best?
Physician Credentialing: Which Insurance Companies Are Best? Physician Credentialing: Which Insurance Companies Should I get Credentialed With? Many times, when people in private practice seek to get on insurance panels, they have a general idea of the panels they want to get credentialed with. However, sometimes the opposite is the case: you have no idea […]
Medical Billing Service: Is it Helping You Get Paid?
Medical Billing Service: Is it Helping You Get Paid? How does one go about determining if their medical billing service is getting the job done? Here are some specific metrics and guidelines: 1) Are you receiving payment for all of your claims? We all want to get paid for the work that we do, but what can you reasonably […]
Chiropractor Credentialing
Chiropractor Credentialing Why Chiropractor Credentialing Is Important Chiropractor credentialing is the process of becoming affiliated with insurance companies so that you (the chiropractor) can accept third party reimbursements. This is essential for success in clinical practices. Amongst professionals, chiropractor credentialing is an unwelcome disruption from providing quality care to their patients. This should not be! If you’re interested in […]
Provider Credentialing: Problems with 2013 CPT Codes
Provider Credentialing: Problems with 2013 CPT Codes With the dawn of the New Year comes so many opportunities to begin again, but so do the chances that insurance companies will mess up the medical billing for those who have been provider credentialed. Those who have been through provider credentialing are now having difficulties with the […]